速報APP / 運動 / HandiKeeper X

HandiKeeper X



檔案大小:5.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


HandiKeeper X(圖1)-速報App

Social Golf Handicap Calculator for Australian Golfers

HandiKeeper X uses the Golf Australia handicapping system adopted in 2010 and modified in September 2011 to record a social golfer's rounds and calculate their handicaps.

HandiKeeper X allows you to:

- Easily record a player's score as each round is completed and then for each golfer you can give them an instant update to their handicap

- Set up an individual profile, including picture, for each golfer

HandiKeeper X(圖2)-速報App

- Configure a list of courses to make selection and entering of common details easy for each player and round

- Enter scores in either direct gross score format or using a player's stableford score

- Send emails to each golfer with full details of the rounds they have played and their calculated handicap.

HandiKeeper X in Free mode supports data entry for 1 player and 4 courses only, does not allow sending of emails and has advertisements.

By selecting the UPGRADE option within the application you remove these restrictions and get:

HandiKeeper X(圖3)-速報App

- Unlimited player and course entry

- Email sending to all of your players

- No Advertisements!!!


1. HandiKeeper X does not replace GolfLink for registered Australian golfers. It is intended for the many social golf clubs out there that may have been caught out by the change to a new Australian golf handicapping system in 2010.

HandiKeeper X(圖4)-速報App

2. HandiKeeper X is based on the popular HandiKeeper App, allowing a "try before you buy option".

HandiKeeper X(圖5)-速報App
